Our tours

Tag: solo


Spend time in the Bale Mountains. Ethiopia’s most diverse and stunning National Park and stronghold of the Ethiopian wolf.
Visiting Central Africa’s largest protected wetland and the only savannah grassland in Rwanda is a fantastic chance to see wild game and birds.
Hiking into the volcanic mountains in search of the world’s only remaining mountain gorillas is undoubtedly an extraordinary experience.
You’ll discover the colorful and chaotic market in Piazza, explore Merkato and enjoy coffee at the historic To.Mo.Ca, finishing with a traditional Ethiopian breakfast.
This tour is a foodie’s dream – be sure to arrive hungry! Enjoy a feast on this afternoon walking tour of the capital.
Take in the leading historic and cultural sights of the city, with time for traditional Ethiopian lunch and coffee.
Spend a morning peeking into the leading historic and cultural sights of the Rwandese capital. 
This all day adventure combines historical highlights, a visit to the Genocide Memorial, markets and some of the best Rwandese food in the capital.